@inproceedings{ Martínez-renau_Bodawatta_MARTIN_MARTÍN-VIVALDI_Barón_Ruiz-castellano_MARTÍNEZ_Jonsson_Poulsen_Soler-Cruz,

author = { Ester Martínez-renau and Kasun H. Bodawatta and ANTONIO MANUEL MARTIN PLATERO and MANUEL LORENZO MARTÍN-VIVALDI MARTÍNEZ and María Dolores Barón and Cristina Ruiz-castellano and MANUEL MARTÍNEZ BUENO and Knud A. Jonsson and Michael Poulsen and Juan José Soler-Cruz } ,

title = { Bacterial communities of avian symbionts are predicted by risk of pathogenic infection associated with nesting habits },

booktitle = { Congress of the European Society of Behaviour },

year = { 2023 },

pages = { None - None },

location = { Bielefeld, Alemania },
